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15 Best Healthy Daily Snacks You Can Keep in Your Office, Break Room, or Right on Your Desk.

 Snack seeds and grains

1. Seeds

The shelled seeds are a source of protein and are easy to store, quiet and non-dirty. This is a great snack and snack for the office. They are great on their own, and even better when you put them on top of dishes like toast, yogurt, or oatmeal. Favorites here are pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. Healthy Daily Snacks

 Snack on porridge and cereal

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is not only for breakfast, but also an option for a snack. Instant microwave oatmeal packets with water in a mug and sprinkled with cinnamon are a great cold-weather snack when you crave something warm and hearty. Just make sure you choose the unflavored option, as many oats are loaded with extra sugars and flavorings. You can also keep a full box or a can of oatmeal in your office kitchen.

 Snack in the office - nuts

3. Nuts

Shelled nuts are another great snack because they have a long shelf life and they provide a great combination of protein and fat. Almonds and cashews are great options, but everything from shelled pistachios to walnuts is great for a snack. And if you keep a bag of oatmeal on your desk, they're also great to add to it.

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