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Showing posts from August, 2022

Benefits of eating fruits

  Absolutely everyone heard that fruits are of great benefit, but not everyone thought about how useful they are. Most people eat several fruits every day just because they are delicious. But fruits also have other health benefits . Benefits of Eating Fruits Fruits help the body become stronger , strengthen immunity, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and fruits also contain a large amount of vitamins that are useful for humans. Scientists say that in order to be healthy and have a strong body, you need to eat at least six hundred grams of fruit every day. Benefits of Eating Fruits What are the benefits of fruits? Ripe and fresh fruits are loaded with antioxidants. These are substances that help protect cells from aging, and they also help improve the functioning of the circulatory system and the functioning of the nervous system. Fruits contain calcium and phosphorus, thanks to which bones and teeth are strengthened. And also fruits such as bananas and...

Main causes of back pain and simple home treatment

 This may be due to diseases of the internal organs, trauma to the spine (including a fracture), neurological pain usually indicates osteochondrosis, and sometimes it is a symptom of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney stones, etc. In addition, the back is somewhat prone to injury and pain. The spine performs at least 4 functions: supporting, protective, cushioning and motor. Therefore, if pain occurs, it may be due to poor posture, a strong one-time load, a sudden movement or turn. What to do with back pain? See a doctor , get tested. Based on the diagnosis, it will become clear how to cure back pain, depending on its root cause. Causes of back pain Finding out why your back hurts is not easy. The fact is that the spine is at the same time a support, protection, depreciation of the body. If there is chronic back pain, it is a violation of any of these functions. If pain is felt in the back between the shoulder blades, it may be associated ...

Dangers of Gum Disease

  Periodontal disease , also known as gum disease, is a series of inflammations that affect the tissues around the teeth. In an early stage called gingivitis, the gums are swollen, red, and may bleed. Periodontitis, a more serious form of periodontitis, can pull it away from the tooth, bone can be lost, and the tooth can become loose or fall out. Bad breath can also occur. Dangers of Gum Disease Image Credit: (mission implant center) The radiograph shows bone loss (black area) between the two roots of the tooth. Due to infection under the tooth, the spongy bone has receded, reducing bony support for the tooth. Periodontal disease is usually caused by bacteria in the mouth that infect the tissues around the teeth. Risk factors include smoking, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, family history, and certain medications. Diagnosis is made by examining the gum tissue both visually surrounding the tooth and using probes and X-rays to look for bone loss around the tooth. Treatment involv...

5 Major causes of belly fat, Dangers of belly fat and remedy to belly fat

  Abdominal fat  is mainly visceral fat. When the calories eaten are greater than the calories consumed, the excess calories will be converted into fat and temporarily stored in the abdomen. If fat is stored in areas other than the abdomen, it does not meet the "proximal effect of the center of gravity of fat accumulation". Only stored in the abdomen will not cause the change of the center of gravity when the person changes posture, and the person maintains the balance when walking. Major Causes of Belly Fat The fat stored in the abdomen is used for energy when the body is deficient in calories. But the problem of modern people is that they take in too many calories for a long time, and they can only get in and can't get in, and the lower abdomen will only become more and more convex. 5 Causes of abdominal obesity Excessive stress Georgie Fear, author and dietitian of "Lean Habits for Lifelong Weight Loss," says the body secretes "corticosteroids" duri...

10 Daily Smoothies for Slimming and Body Cleansing

  Table of Content Best Daily Smoothies recipes for weight loss and body cleansing Ikaria Lean Smoothie Green smoothie for cleansing and weight loss Smoothies from pumpkin, dried apricots, orange Smoothie with oatmeal for fast weight loss and reliable cleansing Pineapple, peach and grapefruit smoothies Spinach and Apple Green Cleansing Drink Sunny pineapple and kiwi smoothie Tomato smoothie with carrots and apple Strawberry Banana Joy - Cleansing Nourishing Smoothie Smoothie "Panicle" for cleansing and weight loss Oatmeal smoothie with prunes and dried apricots Conclusion Smoothie is a wonderful drink that is made from beautiful ripe, fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs! Everyone knows that smoothies are good for health and beauty. After all, these are vitamins and bioactive substances that enter the body in their pure form. This is good for immunity, keeping the skin fresh and in general for healing the whole body, preventing various problems. There are...

10 Best Post Workout Meals

  What to eat after a working out? Best Workout Meals Table of content Can I eat after a workout while losing weight? Basic principles of nutrition for weight loss What to eat after a workout for weight loss After workout calories consumption required for staying in shape. How much to eat after a workout to lose weight? What foods should not be consumed when losing weight? Ten Best Post Workout Foods for Weight Loss What to drink after a workout? Physical exercise helps a person to lose extra pounds - this is effective and reasonable, from a physiological point of view, method of losing weight. During the training period, great attention is paid to nutrition. Its proper organization allows you to speed up the process of losing weight, form a beautiful outline of the figure and improve the body. Best Workout Meals   1. Can I eat after a workout while losing weight? After fitness, sports and any physical activity, a protein-carbohydrate (anabolic) window opens. The next 90 ...

Top 10 Blood Sugar Control Foods (Meals For Diabetics)

  These are Meals For Diabetics . For people suffering from type 2 diabetes, a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and proteins is recommended. Following the principles of healthy snacking, the exclusion of some and the predominance of other foods, will help control blood sugar levels, which will save you from complications. Amazing Health Guides will tell you about the ten most useful foods that you need to include in your diet.  Click to get the best diabetics supplement today at a discount. 1. leafy vegetables These are sources of numerous vitamins that are so necessary to maintain metabolic processes. These vegetables also contain minerals and nutrients. They also have a positive effect on blood sugar control. Therefore, the diet should include: various types of cabbage spinach, which are a source of potassium, vitamin A and calcium, as well as valuable protein and fiber. These substances support the work of the heart, intestines, give vigor, stimulate wound healing. For ...

10 Yoga Styles For Beginners

 The Indian system of spiritual and physical self-improvement of hatha yoga originated around the 11th century . However, in the form in which we know it, it began to take shape in the 1920s and 30s and continues to be supplemented and developed even now.  These are simple yoga styles for biginners. Get the best after yoga tea for relaxing With the right approach, hatha yoga classes harmonize the general state of mind and body , strengthening muscles, normalizing the functioning of internal organs and balancing the nervous system. However, it is important to remember that  yoga exercises are aimed primarily at healthy people  . If you have had injuries or have chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor before practicing, exercise with extreme caution and preferably under the guidance of a teacher. Rules and recommendations Follow safety precautions: do not go beyond the current capabilities of your body and remember that pain is a stop sign....

10 High Protein Meals For Everyday Consumption

  Content Structure, function of protein and norms of its consumption. Foods high in protein. Structure, function of protein and norms of its consumption Getting enough protein daily is essential to maintaining health. It is proteins, being the building blocks of cells, that maintain their shape, promote growth, reproduction and movement, ensure the flow of biochemical reactions, the formation of protective antibodies and the production of a number of hormones. High Protein Meals All proteins are made up of structural units called amino acids. Nine of them are indispensable for an adult: the body is not able to form them on its own - they must come exclusively from the outside, with food and supplements. The health of the skin, hair and nails depends on the protein status.  Inadequate intake of dietary protein disrupts the protein balance of muscles and the whole body, negatively affecting muscle mass, adaptation to exercise, calcium homeostasis, immune response, wa...

10 Major Causes of Constipation and Remedy

   Constipation in adults is a decrease in the frequency of stools in adulthood, which is accompanied by a change in the consistency of feces, difficulty and pain during defecation. The symptom is caused by alimentary and psychogenic factors, functional intestinal disorders, inflammatory and tumor processes. To verify the cause of constipation, irrigoscopy, colonoscopy, coprogram and blood tests are performed. To normalize bowel movements, prescribe a special diet, enemas, laxatives. causes of constipation    Table of Content for Article Causes of constipation in adults Food habits Lifestyle Pregnancy irritable bowel syndrome Rectal injury Intestinal obstruction Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Damage to the pelvic organs Peripheral neuropathies Endocrine pathology Intoxication Complications of pharmacotherapy Rare Causes Diagnosis Treatment Help before diagnosis Conservative therapy Causes of constipation in adults Food habits Unbalanced nutritio...

Health Benefits Of Fiber Rich Diet

  WHAT IS FIBER? Fiber is a type of  carbohydrate , but, unlike other substances in the group, it cannot be broken down into digestible glucose molecules. Thus, the fiber passes through the entire digestive tract almost unchanged. However, fiber does a lot of work along the way. This substance is of great importance for proper digestion and weight correction, regulation of sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood. There is also an opinion that fiber is one of the factors that prevent the development of cancer . Some speak of it as a substance that prolongs the youth of the body. benefits of fiber DAILY RATES FOR FIBER Researchers say that the average woman consumes about 13 g of fiber daily, and men - about 17 g. Meanwhile, nutritionists have found that fiber is so important for a person that it should be present in the diet daily. At the same time, men under 50 should consume about 38 grams of fiber per day, older - about 30 grams. Women under 50 years of age are recommende...

15 Best Healthy Daily Snacks You Can Keep in Your Office, Break Room, or Right on Your Desk.

  1. Seeds The shelled seeds are a source of protein and are easy to store, quiet and non-dirty. This is a great snack and snack for the office. They are great on their own, and even better when you put them on top of dishes like toast, yogurt, or oatmeal. Favorites here are pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. Healthy Daily Snacks   2. Oatmeal Oatmeal is not only for breakfast, but also an option for a snack. Instant microwave oatmeal packets with water in a mug and sprinkled with cinnamon are a great cold-weather snack when you crave something warm and hearty. Just make sure you choose the unflavored option, as many oats are loaded with extra sugars and flavorings. You can also keep a full box or a can of oatmeal in your office kitchen.   3. Nuts Shelled nuts are another great snack because they have a long shelf life and they provide a great combination of protein and fat. Almonds and cashews are great options, but everything from she...

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): causes, degrees, stages, symptoms, treatment

   Hypertension, or arterial hypertension , is a condition characterized by a stable, that is, detected by repeated measurements, increase in blood pressure. Accompanying many diseases, it is considered a risk factor for the development of dangerous complications from the cardiovascular system, including stroke and myocardial infarction. Hypertension, as the main cause of the pathology under consideration, requires taking medications, normalizing the patient's lifestyle and nutrition. Blood pressure is the force with which circulating blood acts on the walls of blood vessels. This pressure at the time of contraction of the heart is called systolic, and during its relaxation - diastolic. The range of normal values ​​for these indicators is quite wide. In the course of numerous observations [1], scientists came to the conclusion that the risk of cardiovascular complications increases with each additional increase in blood pressure by 10 mm Hg. Art. ...